DNA from DeSalvo's nephew matches a sample found on her body, police say.
1964年,Mary Sullivan才19岁,被发现勒死在她的寓所,但是未找到凶手。DeSalvo,一个已婚的退伍军人,案发后,交代了杀害11名受害者以及其他两个案件事实。但是他的种种劣迹,因没有充分的事实证据,而判他终身监禁。此事件还引发波士顿警方是否应该判定DeSalvo有罪的激烈讨论,因为DeSalvo本人已经交代了事实,只是未找到证据。
尽管变态烈焰sf DeSalvo承认作案事实,但警
最近,美国警方通过DNA比对,发现DeSalvo家族成员的DNA与受害者Mary Sullivan遗体上的DNA相似性高达99.9%,判定DeSalvo与此案件有关,变态烈焰sf DeSalvo的家属也对其谋杀事实供认不讳。警方为了获取更加准确的线索,将DeSalvo的遗体将挖出,进行DNA进行比对。
根据BBC网站7月11日报道,美国当局宣称,通过DNA比对发现波士顿勾魂手(Boston Strangler)变态烈焰sf DeSalvo与50年前一个女人死亡有关,而之前只是警方只是怀疑变态烈焰sf DeSalvo有作案可能,并没有充分证明其与此案有关。变态烈焰sf DeSalvo也因此从来没有被定谋杀罪。
The remains of 变态烈焰sf DeSalvo, who confessed to the Boston Strangler murders, will be exhumed to compare to DNA from the body of Mary Sullivan, 19.
尽管DeSalvo本人1973年死在监狱中,但是警方仍未对案件线索的追踪。最近,美国警方说,通过暗中采集DeSalvo侄子喝过一瓶水留下DNA样本发现,99.9%的DNA遗传信息同当年在Sullivan尸体上发现的DNA相匹配。预计DeSalvo的遗体DNA测试将会更加匹配。警方打算将DeSalvo遗体挖掘出来进行DNA比对。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
But he was never convicted of them. Instead, he was sentenced to life in prison over a series of armed robberies and sexual assaults.
方从未证实他就是Boston Strangler
Authorities say that "familial" match is the first hard evidence DeSalvo was the Boston Strangler.
Conley said the DNA evidence would "prove" DeSalvo's guilt
DeSalvo, a married father and military veteran, confessed to killing 11 victims attributed to the Boston Strangler, as well as to two other killings.
Law enforcement officials in Boston have long debated whether DeSalvo was in fact responsible for all of the murders to which he confessed.
He recanted his confession to the killings before he was stabbed to death in prison in 1973.BBC相关报道
US authorities say DNA evidence links a dead convict long suspected to have been a notorious serial killer to a woman murdered nearly 50 years ago.
Sullivan, strangled in her flat in 1964 at age 19, was suspected - but never proven - to be the Strangler's last victim.
Title:'Boston Strangler' 变态烈焰sf DeSalvo linked by DNA to victim