
  • Aggressively refusing to wear a face covering to help protect others from the virus has been seen as a new iteration of the stereotype of the entitled Karen who harasses service industry workers.


    "I'm taking a picture and calling the cops," Amy Cooper is heard saying in the video. "I'm going to tell them there's an African-American man threatening my life."

    乔治亚理工大学的AndréBrock教授指出,在美国黑奴制度废除之前,Miss Ann曾被用来指代那些想要对黑人施加权力的白人妇女。



    视频中可以听到Amy Cooper说:“我正在拍照,等下就报警。”“我要告诉警察,有一个非裔美国人威胁我的生命。”

    乔治亚州警官Stacy Talbert在脸书直播时,谈到在麦当劳等餐时的“紧张”情绪而哭泣。

    “A Karen sees no one as an individual, instead moving through the world prepared to fight faceless conglomerate of lesser-than people who won’t give her what she wants and feels she deserves.”

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