英国王室不能吃的食物 竟是大天朝的小龙虾?

  •   据《太阳报》报道,皇室成员外出就餐时不能吃甲壳类动物,这也是为什么威廉王子和凯特王妃鲜少出现在著名的红龙虾餐厅的原因。贝类属滤食性动物,“极容易携带细菌及微生物”从而导致“肠胃炎、败血症、沙门氏菌病、肝炎、霍乱以及伤寒”。贝类食物也很容易被人下毒,因此这项预防措施也是无可厚非。

    英国王室不能吃的食物 竟是大天朝的小龙虾?

      While they‘re a lot of perks to being a royal, they are a surprisingly a lot of things you can’t do.Growing up, you’re banned from wearing pants and playing with certain toys。 Things loosen up a bit when adulthood rolls around, but as it turns out, certain restrictions still do apply。 


      One of those restrictions comes down to what members of the royal family can eat in public。 We already know that the Queen has a very specific diet, but there’s one food that is forbidden, no matter who you are: shellfish。


      A keyword here is “public。” So, hypothetically speaking, behind closed doors and away from the cameras, Harry, William, the Queen and the whole royal family tree could be going to town of a ziggurat of king crab legs right now。

      According to the Sun, the Royals are not allowed to eat crustacean cuisine while eating out, which explains the lack of photos of Prince William and Kate eating at Red Lobster。 Filter feeding shellfish “can concentrate harmful bacteria and viruses” and lead to “gastroenteritis, septicemia, salmonellosis, hepatitis, cholera, and typhoid” as well as just regular old food poisoning,变态烈焰私服, so this precaution is very understandable。



      The One Food the Royal Family Is Banned from Eating in Public