4/2/2017. Added a much better scan of the DFW-as-pup image, as well as images of both Nick Backes and his aforementioned work.
5/3/2001. Just found this. It's from Playboy, June 1988, bottom of page 3. "Late Night" was, by a very long shot the first Wallace story I read (I didn't read IJ until 1998) and I must have read the author's name at the time since I liked the story quite a bit, but the name didn't stick. I didn't make any connection until, upon completion of Infinite Jest and A Supposedly Fun Thing and Broom Of The System, I was perusing Girl With Curious Hair in Barnes & Noble. I offhandedly had begun reading the story titled "My Appearance"...recognition of the first sentence was instantaneous, as was a clear memory of Nick Backes' unforgettable illustration of Letterman leaning forward--almost over his desk--toward a poised but chary blond actress. I think I said, more loudly than was probably appropriate for the location: "I'LL BE DAMNED!" ,