"I am proud of the dedication of our guys as they did a great job living up to the expectations of the Hubei people," said Wang Cailing, one of the leaders of the team.
人民视频客户端下载When they landed at Wusu International Airport in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi, they were welcomed as heroes by the local residents, airport staffers and the police.
According to Shanxi Daily, a Taiyuan-based newspaper, the Shanxi medics have cured 1,328 patients in the three Hubei cities of Tianmen, Xiantao and Qianjiang. They includes 166 people in a critical condition.
There was the same fanfare when they left Hubei. On the roads to Tianhe International Airport in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, the medics noticed there were posters with words of thanks.
The first group of 230 medics went home on March 19 from their lifesaving mission in Hubei. The second batch of 432 people returned on March 23. In recent days, a total of 662 medical workers returned to Shanxi from Hubei as the novel coronavirus epidemic was under control in this once hardest-hit province.
A total of 662 medics arrived in Shanxi by March 23 after completing their rescue missions in Hubei province. SHI XIAOBO / FOR CHINA DAILY
Earlier in the morning when they left their hotels in Wuhan, Qianjiang, Xiantao and Tianmen cities, the medics were sent off at farewell ceremonies held by their colleagues and local government officials in Hubei.
"Take care of yourself, my elder sister. I'm sure we can see each other in the future," Zhang answered.
The 662 medical workers who returned home are based in hospitals in Taiyuan, Datong, Yuncheng, Jincheng, Changzhi, Linfen, Yangquan, Lyuliang, Jinzhong and Xinzhou.
The 12th medical team from Shanxi was the first to complete its mission in Hubei province. On March 11, the last patient was transferred to another hospital from the Central South Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University where the team served.
After the medics boarded buses to the center of Taiyuan, they were escorted by police cars. The gesture was seen as the highest homage made by locals.
山西:拥抱5G大时代 赋能文博新未来 在新时代如何保护传承弘扬中华优秀传统文化,做到既能薪火相传、代代守护,同时,又能与时俱进、推陈出新?时值第44个国际博物馆日,在山西博物院会议中心内,,一场围绕拥抱5G大时代,赋能文博新未来的共享交流不断碰撞出思想的火花。On the morning of March 19, Zhang Lihui, head of a rescue team to Wuhan, found it difficult to release her hands, which were held tightly by Mei Hongbin, president of Wuhan Youfu Hospital where she had served.
The medics also found their smartphones filled with messages of gratitude from their recovered patients.
However, the 171 medical workers in the team volunteered to continue at the Leishenshan Hospital, a makeshift hospital dedicated to treating novel coronavirus pneumonia patients.
With tears in her eyes, Mei almost failed to complete a sentence. "I really hate to say goodbye. But I know your family is waiting for you anxiously," Mei said.
A total of 854 medical workers from Shanxi are still working in Hubei, continuing their efforts in local epidemic control.
手机人民网People lined the road, singing their best wishes. Every traffic policeman saluted them when their fleet of buses passed.
To date, there were no infections among the medical teams' members from Shanxi, according to the newspaper.
In Tianmen, the last confirmed patient was cured and discharged from hospital on March 21. At hospitals in Xiantao and Qianjiang, 94.96 percent and 94.44 percent of the novel coronavirus patients were cured.
人民日报客户端下载Li Yali contributed to this story.
Shanxi has dispatched 13 medical teams to Hubei, with 1,516 medical workers having served at 11 permanent and five makeshift hospitals.
The fellow medics in Hubei were reluctant to say goodbye to their comrades with whom they had worked for almost two months.