
  • President, Maker’s Committee of SIDA

    Arnold Wasserman


    PhD, Institute for the Future


    Shirley Feng, MBA, graduated from Nankai University and Macau University of Science and Technology, now acts as the Secretary-General of Shenzhen Industrial Design Profession Association (SIDA), Secretary-General of the National Industrial Design Innovation Alliance, Executive Secretary-General of Strategy Advisory Committee of Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, member of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Design Cooperation Advisory Committee, as well as the 5th Shenzhen CPPCC member.

    8. 德席尔瓦(加拿大)

    Chairman of Myontec’s board




    全球第三大开源硬件设备生产商Seeed Studio(矽递科技)创始人Founder and Executive Director of Seeed Studio

    4. 卡洛斯•欣里希森(智利)

    Icsid Senator and Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Business, University Gabriela Mistral, Chile


    Famous Industrial Designer, Founder of YANG DESIGN and YDC

    Lyn Jeffery



    Chairman of Collective Invention


    斯洛托的设计师生涯开启于标志性的扬声器Bang&Olufsen品牌的Beoplay A9。他总试图寻找简单、明显而又不失诗意的解决方案,常常从自然世界中寻找灵感。他和丹麦高端品牌Bang&Olufsen,Louis Poulsen Lighting和Le Klint合作。他是“丹麦设计创客中心”(danish design MAKERS, DDM)的创始人之一,这是一个为年轻设计师创造的平台。他曾获iF产品设计奖,CES的“最佳创新奖”和“BoBedre设计2012年度大奖”等大奖。


    President of the Seoul Design Center

    2. 阿诺德-沃瑟曼(美国)


    Tony Wong

    7. 顾嘉唯(中国)


    Francisco Liu


    2005年回国创办YANG DESIGN与YDC,迄今已分别发展成为在产品创新与城市创新领域的领先策略与设计顾问机构。2014年杨明洁创办的中国首家私人工业设计博物馆在上海正式落成,其收藏的近千件工业老产品与当代优良产品展示了工业设计的历史、现代与未来。



    Clark Kellogg

    David Jia



    Sally Dominguez is a multi-award-winning Inventor, Adventurer, Journalist and Educator. Sally’s unique blend of talents have led her on an extraordinary journey that includes manufacturing innovation, regular television appearances, car design and rallying, and journeys across Cambodia, China and the USA to see pioneering technologies at work first hand. Her Nest highchair, first modern baby chair, is held in London’s V&A and Sydney’s Powerhouse Museum, and her Rainwater HOG cistern has won more than 5 international product and sustainability awards. In 2012 Sally was named one of Advance Australia’s “50 for the Future” entrepreneurs in the USA. She is an ambassador for Engineers Without Borders Australia, and she was the first Australian to drive and completing the grueling Rallye Des Gazelles across Morocco. Sally delivers a regular series on creative thinking strategies at Stanford University.


    Stig Myler

    6. 何人可(中国)

    I am 48 and Managing Partner at Holscher Design. I have an MA in industrial Design from The Royal Academy of fine Arts, School of Architecture. I have worked as an industrial designer at Holscher Design for 17 years and have been Project Manager on several award winning projects. At Holscher Design I am a board member, a part of management and in charge of the company’s finances. Furthermore I function as an external examiner at the School of Architecture and a mentor in the Danish Design Association’s mentor program.


    He is one of America's most famous design consultants-- the fellow who helped Singapore develop it's design industry. He is also a founder and Jury Chairman of Denmark's INDEX Awards. And he is the Chair of our AllSpark Awards. And he's an industrial design genius. And a Professor at the famous industrial design school, Caregie Mellon University. Arnold is Founding Partner and Chairman of the innovation consultancies Collective Invention based in San Francisco and the Idea Factory based in Singapore. He has held the positions of Vice President of Corporate Industrial Design/Human Factors at NCR, Xerox, and Unisys Corporation. He has also been Dean of Pratt Institute’s School of Design, Senior Fellow for Design Strategy at IDEO and Director of Design for the Raymond Loewy design office in Paris.






    Tony is Design Director at IDEO China. His expertise is in product design and development, and using products to help clients articulate their business challenges and develop their vision and strategy. Tony has extensive experience in designing for China and has worked across multiple industry sectors including: healthcare, consumer electronics, household appliances, food and beverage. His clients include: Midea, Samsung, TCL, Fotile, Medtronic, Merck, and ABInBev.


    Chen Wenlong, born in 1946, studied architecture at Chung Yuan Christian University in Chung Li, Taiwan. Since 2004 he has been chief executive officer of the Taiwan Design Center as well as editor-in-chief of DESIGN magazine. Chang has made tremendous contributions to industrial design, both in his home country and in the Asia- Pacific region. As an expert in design management and design promotion, he has served as a consultant for governments and in the corporate sector for decades. From 2005 to 2007 and again since 2009, he has been an executive board member of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) and is now masterminding the 2011 IDA Congress in Taipei. In 2008, he was elected founding chairman of the Taiwan Design Alliance, a consortium of government-supported and private design entities aimed at promoting Taiwanese design. Chang has lectured in Europe, the United States, and Asia, and he frequently serves as a juror in prestigious international design competitions.


    陈文龙在台湾享有“设计老板第一人”的美誉,专长于设计管理与交通工具设计,具有20年设计实务经验,曾任台湾CIDA工业设计协会理事长、日本Design Today 顾问,并于2005年受邀担任德国iF 设计大奖首位华人评委。陈文龙曾荣获台湾经济部科技创新管理个人成就奖,也是亚洲首位提出“将设计知识系统化”的设计管理者。

    CEO of Taiwan Design Center


    Honorary Chairman of Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industries Association

    As the founder and CEO of RKS Design, Ravi Sawhney has spent more than thirty years at the forefront of product and technology innovation, and has grown his industrial design consultancy into a global leader in the fields of strategy, innovation and design. While leading RKS, Sawhney has helped generate more than 200 patents and over 175 design awards on behalf of his diverse list of international clients, and his work has been featured on the cover of Business Week’s best product design issue. Sawhney invented the predictable Psycho-Aesthetics® design methodology, which Harvard Business Press adopted as a business school case study before it grew in popularity to become a central focus of Predictable Magic, a new book co-authored by Sawhney and published by Wharton School Publishing.

    1985年,他加入了当时的卡吉瓦摩托车集团(Cagiva Group)。1997年,他又转战意大利汽车设计公司乔治亚罗,为它拓展中国市场。2005年左右,和香港理工大学合作了一个叫做MyCar的四轮车项目。廖家良着眼于改变车辆诞生的方式,于2010年正式开始成立OSVehicle。Ampelio Macchi,一位先后为卡吉瓦、MV阿古斯塔(MV Augusta)等自行车和摩托车集团担任技术管理层的意大利工程师被廖家良的想法所吸引,决定跟其一起创建OSVehicle公司并担任CTO。

    杨明洁,著名工业设计师,YANG DESIGN及YDC创始人,在国内完成七年学业后,获德国WK基金会全额奖学金赴德留学,获工业设计硕士后,任职于慕尼黑西门子设计总部。囊获了包括德国红点、iF、日本G-mark、美国IDEA在内的六十多项设计大奖。2005年创办YANG DESIGN与YDC,迄今已发展成为中国领先的策略与设计顾问机构。2013年创办了中国首家私人工业设计博物馆。

    David Li

    Jiawei Gu is research lead of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) team at Institute of Deep Learning (IDL), Baidu Research. His research interest focus on novel user experience and intelligentization (including wearable devices, intelligent transportation, smart home, robotics, IOT), creating natural user interfaces and novel interaction modalities for artificial intelligence, deep learning and big data. (featured project: BaiduEye and DuBike) Before joining Baidu, he worked as a design researcher at HCI group in Microsoft Research, creating tangible & wearable embedded interaction by linking quantitative technology research with qualitative design research methods through design processes for next generation Microsoft product, including Xbox Kinect, Surface keyboard, Windows 10. He owns 15 US invention patent across software and hardware, holds position of corporation liaison and supervisor for Stanford ME310 Global New Product Design Innovation.

    Social Hacker, strategist and international consultant, Simone is Core Connector at OuiShare and Program Co-Lead for OuiShare Fest. Simone has vast experience in several technology related industries, as a consultant and coach, and is also a renowned expert in collaborative, peer-production models and open innovation ecosystems. In 2013 he also created the Platform Design Toolkit, a set of tools to design products and services for the connected age in a community-centric fashion. Simone also designs workshops and methodologies to harness co-creation in creating strategies and envision innovation. He also works a lot with open source hardware and distributed manufacturing models and strategies: indeed he was Co-Chair of the Open Source Hardware Summit in 2014 and International Branches Chair at Open Source Hardware Association.


    5. 陈文龙(中国台湾)


    Antti Pihlakoski


    Eric is a long time open hardware advocate and also a great business leader. Eric was, indeed, recently featured on Forbes cover and we took the chance to ask him some advices on how to create open hardware ventures and communities and to tell us about his and Seeed story.

    Ralph Wiegmann was born in 1957 in Hannover, Germany. From 1986-1995 he was active as Project Manager for the HANNOVER FAIR, responsible for numerous trade show sectors as well as specialist shows. In 1995 he became iF Managing Director. Since 2001 he has concentrated solely on exercising his executive function at iF e.V. and iF International Forum Design GmbH. Ralph Wiegmann has judged many well-known international design prize, such as INTEL design prize, BHKS" Design in the skilled trades", Ireland Glen Dimplex and Korea LGE students' prize. In the year of 2001, he was appointed the chairman of The European Design Prize judging panel.


    美国工业设计天才设计师卡纳基梅陇大学教授 、Collective Invention公司董事长

    Karim Rashid is one of the most prolific designers of his generation. Over 3000 designs in production, over 300 awards and working in over 40 countries attest to Karim's legend of design.


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