1957年生于德国汉诺威。对外经济贸易硕士。1981–1995年担任德国汉诺威展览公司 (Deutsche Messe AG) 项目经理,1995年至今担任汉诺威iF工业设计论坛总裁,2001年起同时兼任iF国际设计论坛总裁。Ralph Wiegmann先生曾经为多项世界知名设计奖担任评委,如INTEL 设计奖、BHKS "Design in the Skilled Trades"奖、爱尔兰Glen Dimplex设计奖和韩国LGE学生奖等。2001年,他担任了欧洲设计管理奖的评委会主席。
Sridhar Iyengar is a founder and director of Misfit Wearables, makers of highly wearable computing products, including the award-winning Shine, an elegant activity monitor. Sridhar also founded and served as CTO of AgaMatrix, a blood glucose monitoring company that made the world’s first hardware medical device to connect directly to the iPhone, winning both the Red Dot and the GOOD Design Awards. He built AgaMatrix from a two-person start-up to shipping 15+ FDA-cleared medical device products, 3B+ biosensors, 3M+ glucose meters for diabetics, with partnerships with Apple, Sanofi, and Walgreens. Whilst he still aspires to be a professional rock and roll drummer, he has put his musical endeavors on hold while he continues to invent new technologies to augment human performance through better biometric and biosensing devices. Sridhar holds over 20 US and international patents and received his Ph.D. from Cambridge University as a Marshall Scholar.
24. 托马•迭斯•拉德拉
Managing Director of iF International Forum Design GmbH
Design Director of IDEO China
His award winning designs include democratic objects such as the ubiquitous Garbo waste can and Oh Chair for Umbra, interiors such as the Morimoto restaurant, Philadelphia and Semiramis hotel, Athens and exhibitions for Deutsche Bank and Audi. Karim has collaborated with clients to create democratic design for Method and Dirt Devil, furniture for Artemide and Magis, brand identity for Citibank and Hyundai, high tech products for LaCie and Samsung, and luxury goods for Veuve Clicquot and Swarovski, to name a few.
Secretary General of Icsid
Jamy Yang
Simone Cicero
Ms Lee, Yongping is now Honorary chairman of Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industries Association, magazine publisher of Cross-strait Cultural and Creation/Media, general convener of municipal advisors of Taipei People’s Government, top advisor of the Legislative Yuan, hostess of “World in Hands” , News98 Radio.
Tony是IDEO中国的设计总监。他的专长是产品设计和开发,并用产品帮助客户应对业务挑战和开发自己的愿景和策略。Tony在中国设计中有着丰富的经验,曾横跨多个行业,包括保健、消费类电子产品、家用电器、食品和饮料。他的客户包括美的、三星、TCL、 方太、美敦力、 默克和百威英博。
Founder of Xinchejian, China’s first formal hacker space
19. 安蒂•菲赫拉斯基