Ms. Dilki de Silva was appointed Icsid Secretary General and working director of the Executive Board of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) in 2003. In this capacity, she is responsible for the financial and overall operational performance of the organisation, capacity building, strategic planning, membership relations and partnership development. She is also a consultant for various companies and organisations, and lectures on SME development, capacity building and international partnerships. Ms. de Silva started her career as an intern for the World Bank, followed by several managerial positions in the UK and Canada. During her work in international economic development with the city of Toronto (1986 – 1998), she was instrumental in bringing international relations to the top of the city ʼs political agenda. Ms. de Silva holds a BA in Business Administration majoring in Economics and International Relations from New England College, USA.
Karim Rashid
Founder of Industiel design studio Maria Berntsen
Renke He
陈文龙先后毕业于成功大学工业设计系、大同工学院机械研究所,1986年进入三阳工业研发部门担任设计师,1年后即升任课长。1988年设计部门自三阳集团独立,由陈文龙负责筹组Nova Design(浩汉产品设计公司)。目前公司据点遍布台北、上海、厦门、意大利Sondrio、美国硅谷及越南胡志明市,全球共有230多名员工,是华人地区规模最大的独立设计公司。
Ralph Wiegmann
Formerly a Design Lead of Product Design & Engineering at IDEO. Duncan has an entrepreneurial background having taken numerous hardware products to market from first concepts through research, funding, design, development, manufacturing and assembly to final sales of the product under brands that he created. He brings deep experience of business growth in China having spent many years building manufacturing capabilities. He has led product design and consumer engagement strategy projects for large fortune 500 companies whilst at IDEO as well as mentoring at HAXLR8R since its inception. Duncan runs the HAXLR8R program, he invests in, and mentors start-ups who have an emphasis on hardware. He obtained his Masters from Royal College of Art and his design work is part of the permanent collection at The Museum of Modern Art.
数字化制造实验室“Fab Lab巴塞罗那”的项目经理,此实验室位于西班牙巴萨罗那加泰罗尼亚建筑设计学院。他拥有城市规划和社会学的学士学位和高级建筑的硕士学位,同时还持有数字化制造的文凭,由麻省理工学院比特和源自中心颁发。他是Fab学院计划的协调员。他曾参加多项国际项目,如2010欧洲太阳能十项全能。
他是美国最负盛名的设计顾问之一,丹麦INDEX设计奖的创立者和评审主席,2014 Allspark设计奖的评审主席。美国工业设计天才设计师,著名的工业设计学校卡纳基梅陇大学教授。 阿诺德是创意资讯公司Collective Invention的董事长,总部位于旧金山。他还曾担任多个著名设计公司高管以及设计学院院长。
Founder & CEO of LKK company
Principal,Sally Dominguez Adventurous Thinking
Director of FABLab Barcelona